Seguite Jamie Bestwick, Kevin Peraza, Colton Satterfield e Kyle Baldock, mentre spingono a difendere le loro medaglie d’oro nel più grande evento sportivo del mondo, gli X Games. Non sono solamente l’evento più grande e stressante al Mondo, ma ogni rider combatte continuamente con la volontà, lesioni e giochi di testa come i migliori al Mondo per la loro pistola d’oro.
Follow along with Monster’s own Jamie Bestwick, Kevin Peraza, Colton Satterfield, and Kyle Baldock as they push themselves to defend their gold medals at the biggest action sports event in the world, the X Games. Not only is this event on biggest, most stressful stage in the world, but each rider has their own battle of willpower, injuries, and head games as the best in the world gun for their gold.