The Skateboard Mag introduce uno degli ultimi talenti del mondo dello skateboard, il giovanissimo Californiano CJ Collins, che a soli 12 anni che rientrano nella categoria di “skater dotati” come artisti del calibro delle leggende Danny Way, Guy Mariano, Tony Hawk e Grant Taylor che sono stati tutti scoperti in giovane età.
“Skateboarding is one of those funny things that if you have it when you’re young, people take notice and the opportunities fall at your feet. When you witness CJ skate you can’t help but notice just how natural he looks riding a skateboard, and he’s only twelve years old. He is one of those kids that fall into the category of “gifted skateboarders” to the likes of the legends Danny Way, Guy Mariano, Tony Hawk and Grant Taylor who were all discovered at a young age.”